The API is the primary way to interact with Craft.

Variant (type)

Different based on the component, with the base variant being default.

  • primary (default), secondary, tertiary
  • static (default), dismissible
  • static (default), interactive
  • left, center, right
  • text, search, textarea
  • default, read, unread


Increments vary per component.

  • xs, sm, default (base), lg, xl, 2xl


Color props use contextual color tokens.

Background Colors

  • bg (default, hover, active)
  • bg-brand, bg-brand-hover, bg-brand-active
  • bg-accent-light, bg-accent-light-hover, bg-accent-light-active
  • bg-neutral, bg-neutral-hover, bg-neutral-active
  • bg-success, bg-critical, bg-warning, bg-info, bg-disabled

Icon Colors

  • icon
  • icon-brand, icon-brand-light, icon-brand-active
  • icon-white, icon-black, icon-neutral
  • icon-success, icon-critical, icon-info, icon-disabled

Text Colors

  • text-white, text-neutral, text-black
  • text-success, text-critical, text-info, text-disabled, text-placeholder

Border Colors

  • border-white, border-neutral, border-black, border-dark, border-darker, border-darkest, border-hover, border-active
  • border-success, border-critical, border-info, border-disabled
  • border-brand, border-brand-light, border-brand-hover, border-brand-focus, border-brand-active
  • border-accent