
The InputSelect component is used to select an option from a list.



Storybook - InputSelect Documentation

Figma Demo



InputSelect is offered in three sizes:

  • sm (32px)
  • base (40px)
  • lg (48px)


  • Use InputSelect when a single selection is available to a user from a large set of options.
  • If there are only 2 or 3 options available — and they are mutually exclusive — consider using Radio.
  • If multiple selections may be made, consider using a set of Checkboxes.

Note: A future component such as a combobox may allow for multiple selections within a select input.


  • The base size field should be used in the majority of cases.
  • The sm size field should be used in tighter layouts where space is scarce.
  • There is currently not a setting in which lg size fields are used.


  • A label and a unique id should be provided for all inputs. If it should be hidden, the hiddenLabel prop can be provided and an accessible aria-label will be added.


  • Placeholder text that reads “Choose an option…” is visible in a non-selected field by default. This wording may be changed to reflect the intent of the input as needed, e.g. “Choose a delivery date.”
  • If an input is pre-selected by default, the placeholder text will still show in the native select component but can still be edited as needed.

Component Specs


  • class: string | Default: undefined
    Custom class to be applied to the input.

  • errorText: string | Default: undefined
    The error text of the input.

  • iconBefore: SvelteComponent | Default: undefined
    The icon before the input.

  • id: string | Default: undefined
    The id of the input.

  • items: SelectOptionType<unknown>[] | Default: []
    The items to choose in the select.

  • helperText: string | Default: undefined
    The helper text of the input.

  • hiddenLabel: boolean | Default: false
    Hides the label.

  • label: string | Default: undefined
    The label of the input.

  • labelClasses: string | Default: undefined
    Custom class to be applied to the label.

  • placeholder: string | Default: undefined
    The placeholder of the input.

  • size: 'sm' | 'default' | 'lg' | Default: 'default'
    The size of the input.

  • state: 'neutral' | 'success' | 'critical' | 'disabled' | Default: 'neutral'
    The state of the input.

  • testId: string | Default: undefined
    The test id of the input.

  • value: string | Default: ''
    The value of the input.


  import { InputSelect } from '@getprovi/craft-svelte';

      name: 'Option 1',
      value: 'option1'
      name: 'Option 2',
      value: 'option2'


type SelectOptionType<T> = {
	name: string | number;
	value: T;

interface Props extends SharedLabelProps, SharedInputProps {
	iconBefore?: typeof SvelteComponent;
	items: SelectOptionType<unknown>[];

interface SharedLabelProps {
	hiddenLabel?: ComponentProps<Label>['hidden'];
	label: ComponentProps<Label>['label'];
	labelClasses?: ComponentProps<Label>['class'];

interface SharedInputProps extends Omit<HTMLInputAttributes, 'size'> {
	class?: string | null | undefined;
	errorText?: string | undefined;
	helperText?: string | undefined;
	id: string;
	placeholder?: string | undefined;
	size?: InputSize;
	state?: InputState;
	testId?: string | undefined;
	value?: string;