
The Checkbox component is used to allow users to select one or more options from a list.



Storybook - Checkbox Documentation

Figma Demo



Checkboxes are offered in two sizes that vary slightly by both type and element size:

  • sm: type size: sm, element size: 12px
  • base: type size: body, element size: 16px


  • Use the base size in form settings when the other form elements are either base or lg.
  • Use the sm size checkbox in tight spaces such as inside dropdown menus or tables.

Best Practices

  • Use checkboxes for choices/settings that are then enabled by a CTA.
  • Don’t use a checkbox to perform an action.

Component Specs


  • class: string | Default: undefined
    Extra classes for the label.

  • checked: boolean | Default: false
    Checked state of the checkbox.

  • count: string | Default: undefined
    The number of items the filter has in context of PLP filters.

  • disabled: boolean | Default: false
    Disabled state of the checkbox.

  • group: string | Default: undefined
    Group of the checkbox.

  • helperText: string | Default: undefined
    Helper text of the checkbox.

  • id: string | Default: undefined
    Id of the checkbox.

  • indeterminate: boolean | Default: false
    Indeterminate state of the checkbox.

  • items: CheckboxItem<unknown>[] | Default: []
    Items of the checkbox.

  • label: string | Default: 'Label'
    Label of the checkbox.

  • required: boolean | Default: false
    Required state of the checkbox.

  • size: 'sm' | 'default' | Default: 'default'
    Size of the checkbox.

  • testId: string | Default: undefined
    Test id for testing purposes.

  • value: string | Default: undefined
    Value of the checkbox.


	import { Checkbox } from '@getprovi/craft-svelte';

	let items = [
		{ value: '1', label: 'One' },
		{ value: '2', label: 'Two' },
		{ value: '3', label: 'Three' }

	let group = ['2', '3'];
	let value = false;

<!-- Individual Checkbox -->
	helperText="Here is some helper text."

<!-- Group Checkbox -->
<Checkbox bind:group {items} />


type CheckboxItem<T> = {
	value: T;
	label?: string;
	isChecked?: boolean;

interface SharedProps extends Omit<HTMLInputAttributes, 'size'> {
	class?: string | null | undefined;
	count?: string | unknown;
	helperText?: string | undefined;
	indeterminate?: boolean;
	label?: string;
	size?: 'sm' | 'default';
	testId?: string | undefined;

interface Group extends SharedProps {
	group: HTMLInputAttributes['bind:group'];
	id?: never;
	items: CheckboxItem<unknown>[];
	value?: never;

interface Single extends SharedProps {
	checked?: HTMLInputAttributes['checked'];
	group?: never;
	id: HTMLLabelAttributes['for'];
	value: HTMLInputAttributes['value'];

type Props = Single | Group;