
The Graphic component is used to display a graphic from the craft-svelte-graphics package.


A bottle of sparkling wine with the cork about to burst out and bits of confetti in the air surrounding it.


Storybook - Graphic Documentation

Figma Demo


The graphic component exposes vector graphics from our illustration set in either a base size (250px square) or sm size (150px square).


Graphics are offered in two square sizes:

  • sm: 150px
  • base: 250px


Use Graphic when a bit of brand personality is needed when communicating something to a user.

Best Practices

Graphics should typically be paired with copy so that the meaning is unambiguous.


Ensure that alt text is part of all Graphics used throughout Provi.

Component Specs


  • graphicName: typeof SvelteComponent | Default: undefined
    The name of the graphic.

  • size: default | sm
    The size of the graphic.

  • testId: string | Default: 'test-graphic'
    The test id of the graphic.

  • title: string | Default: undefined
    The title of the graphic.


	import { Graphic } from '@getprovi/craft-svelte';
	import { Celebration, Welcome } from '@getprovi/craft-svelte-graphics';

<Graphic graphicName="{Celebration}" />
<Graphic graphicName="{Welcome}" size="sm" />

<!-- If you have performance issues, you can import the graphics individually -->
	import Celebration from '@getprovi/craft-svelte-graphics/Celebration';
	import Welcome from '@getprovi/craft-svelte-graphics/Welcome';

<Graphic graphicName="{Celebration}" />
<Graphic graphicName="{Welcome}" size="sm" />


interface Props {
	graphicName?: typeof SvelteComponent;
	size?: 'default' | 'sm' | undefined;
	testId?: string;
	title?: string | number | undefined;