
Dropdown menus are used to reveal additional content without navigating the user away from the current page. They are used for anything from contextual menus to revealing notification messages. Dropdowns consist of both the element that triggers them (e.g., a button) and the dropdown container itself.



Storybook - Dropdown Documentation

Figma Demo



  • The basic dropdown leverages the base size static container with 16px padding and a shadow.
  • Dropdown menus have a minimum width of 224px but don’t have a set size at the base level.
  • Specific instances of the dropdown may have maximum width/heights as needed for their specific use case.


Use dropdowns to reveal additional contextual content to users. Current examples include the location chooser and the notifications dropdown.

Best Practices

  • Don’t use dropdowns to make selections within a form when a select field will suffice.


  • Content within a dropdown menu should be left-aligned.

Component Specs



  • activeUrl: string (default: '')
    URL of the active link.

  • activeClass: string (default: '')
    Class name for the active link.

  • as: 'div' or 'ul' (default: 'div')
    HTML tag to render the dropdown as.

  • containerClass: string (default: '')
    Class name for the container.

  • contentClass: string (default: '')
    Class name for the content.

  • gap: Spacing (default: '16')
    Gap between items.

  • handleOpen: () => void
    Function to call when the dropdown is opened.

  • handleClose: () => void
    Function to call when the dropdown is closed.

  • open: boolean (default: false)
    Open the dropdown by default.

  • placement: Placement (default: 'bottom-start')
    Placement of the dropdown.


  • header: Header of the dropdown.
  • default: Content of the dropdown.
  • footer: Footer of the dropdown.


	import { Dropdown } from '@getprovi/craft-svelte';

<Dropdown> content </Dropdown>


interface Props
	extends Omit<ComponentProps<Popover>, 'action'>,
		Omit<FloatingProps, 'activeContent' | 'offset'> {
	activeUrl?: string;
	as?: 'div' | 'ul';
	activeClass?: string;
	containerClass?: string | undefined;
	contentClass?: string | undefined;
	gap?: Spacing;
	handleOpen?: () => void;
	handleClose?: () => void;
	open?: boolean;
	placement?: Placement;

type Placement =
	| 'top'
	| 'right'
	| 'bottom'
	| 'left'
	| 'top-start'
	| 'top-end'
	| 'right-start'
	| 'right-end'
	| 'bottom-start'
	| 'bottom-end'
	| 'left-start'
	| 'left-end';