
The cart widget component is used to add or subtract items from the cart.



Storybook - CartWidget Documentation

Figma Demo


Cart widgets allow users to add items to their cart either in single increments via add/remove buttons, or by inputting a value in the field.


Value = 0

  • CartWidget value is rendered in placeholder text

  • Minus button is disabled

Value = greater than 0, less than 999

  • Any non-zero value should be text-black

  • Both minus and plus buttons are enabled

Value = 999 (max)

  • Plus button is disabled


Cart widgets should always be paired with pricing information.

Best Practices

  • CartWidget value should start at 0 using placeholder text
  • Minus button should be disabled
  • Any non-zero value should be text-black
  • Minus button should be enabled
  • Max value of 999
  • Plus button should be disabled

Component Specs


  • disabled: Boolean - Disables the cart widget. Default is false.
  • max: Number - The maximum value of the cart widget. Default is 999.
  • min: Number - The minimum value of the cart widget. Default is 0.
  • quantity: Number - The quantity of the cart widget. Default is 1.
  • testId: String - The test id of the cart widget.
  • value: Number - The value of the cart widget. Default is 0.
  • handleChange: Function - The function to handle the change event of the cart widget.
  • handleInput: Function - The function to handle the input event of the cart widget.
  • handleMinus: Function - The function to handle the minus event of the cart widget.
  • handlePlus: Function - The function to handle the plus event of the cart widget.


	import { CartWidget } from '@getprovi/craft-svelte';
	import { cartStore } from 'path-to-store';

<CartWidget bind:value={$cartStore.items} />
<CartWidget disabled />


interface Props extends HTMLInputAttributes {
	quantity?: number;
	testId?: string | undefined;
	value?: number;
	handleChange?: () => void | undefined;
	handleInput?: () => void | undefined;
	handleMinusClick?: () => void | undefined;
	handlePlusClick?: () => void | undefined;